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Text File  |  1995-01-15  |  6KB  |  91 lines

  1. 5th Fleet                                    5thfleet arj   5867789
  2. Aces of The Deep                             acesofd  arj   6087045
  3. Alone In The Dark                            alone    arj   5362156
  4. Battle Bugs                                  bbugs_nw arj   3174211
  5. Battle Isle                                  batisle  arj   1748533
  6. Betrayal At Krondor                          krondor  arj   8892283
  7. Black Thorne                                 bthorne  arj   1470240
  8. Cannon Fodder (final version)                cannon   arj   3530983
  9. Chess Maniac 5 Billion and One               chessman arj  18191506
  10. Colonization                                 colon    arj   3588295
  11. Comanche Enhanced                            comchenc arj  13310043 1
  12. Conquered Kingdoms                           conquer  arj   1608637
  13. Cyber Empire                                 cyber    arj   5451132
  14. Cyclones                                     cyclones arj   6738134
  15. Dark Legions                                 darkleg  arj   9679791 1
  16. Dark Seed                                    darkseed arj   5885910
  17. Dark Sun : Wake of the Ravager               d_sun_2  arj   8921583
  18. Death Gate                                   deathgat arj  35720657
  19. Descent                                      descent  arj   3039280
  20. Diggers                                      diggers  arj   1459793
  21. Dino Park Tycoon                             dinopark arj   1662420
  22. Dominus                                      dominus  arj  10581138
  23. Ecstatica                                    ecstatic arj  37971119
  24. Fleet Defender F-14 Tomcat                   f14leet  arj   5713435
  25. Football Pro '95                             front95  arj   6256701
  26. Fortress of Dr. Radiaki                      radiaki  arj   9107529
  27. GateWay  II                                  gatew2   arj   5757197
  28. Girlfriend Teri                              gfriend  arj  13885996
  29. Goblins - 3                                  goblins3 arj   6878274
  30. Grandest Fleet                               gfleet   arj   5465223
  31. Horde                                        horde    arj   8677006
  32. Inca 2 : Wiracocha                           coktel   zip  14568370 1
  33. Incredible Machine I                         tim      arj    457792
  34. Ishar III                                    ishar3   arj   5440718
  35. Jazzy Jackrabbit                             jazzfull arj   5797863
  36. Krypton Egg                                  kegg     arj    999580
  37. Larry - 6                                    larry6   arj   8857561
  38. Last Action Hero                             lastact  zip   5274591 1
  39. Lemmings 3                                   lemm3    arj   5040122
  40. Lion King                                    lionking arj   3305925
  41. Litil Divil                                  divil    zip   8210618 1
  42. Lode Runner (DOS)                            loderunn arj   5315943
  43. Lords of the Realm                           lordofr  arj   4898316
  44. Lotus : The Ultimate Challenge               lotus    arj   1146992
  45. Maniac Mansion 2 : Day Of Tentacles          dott     arj   8189471
  46. Metal Tech: Earth Siege                      esieg_sp arj  10872359
  47. Microsoft Space Simulator                    spacesim zip   4328170 1
  48. One Must Fall 2097                           omf2097  arj   6547294
  49. Operation Body Count                         bodycoun arj   3072234
  50. Overlord                                     overlord arj  11710857
  51. Pacific Strike                               ps       zip  13072109 1
  52. Pinball Fantasies                            pinbfant arj   1539490
  53. Planet Edge                                  planedge arj   3627065
  54. Police Quest - 4                             pq4      arj  19508365
  55. Power Monger                                 pmonger  zip    336634 1
  56. Raptor: Call of the Shadows                  raptor   arj   4242174
  57. Ravenloft                                    rloft    arj   9861394
  58. Realms of Arkania: Star Trail                startral arj  11867230
  59. Return to Zork                               ret_zork arj  17566222
  60. Rise of The Triad (1 level)                  rott     arj   3928882
  61. Sam & Max Hit The Road                       samnmax  arj   8698366
  62. Scorched Earth II                            scorch2  arj    162977
  63. Seawolf                                      seawolf  arj   8446299
  64. Serf City                                    serfcity arj   1264574
  65. Silver Ball 2                                silvbll2 arj   1618433
  66. SimCity 2000                                 sc2000   arj   2522693
  67. Simon the Sorcerer                           simon    arj   4019997
  68. Space Hulk CD                                hulkcd   zip   7974011 1
  69. Special Forces                               sforce   arj   1748694
  70. Spectre VR                                   spectrev arj   3011608
  71. Star Trek : The Judgement Rites + SFX        judgemen arj  25327435
  72. Starlord (final version)                     starlord arj   3861866
  73. Starship                                     starship arj  10211881
  74. Strip Poker Pro                              strippro arj   6014789
  75. Stunts Car Racer                             stunts   arj   1081401
  76. System Shock                                 sshock   arj  12790100
  77. Tactical Fighter eXperiment (TFX)            tfx      arj  10148080
  78. Terminal Terror                              tterror  zip   3146859 1
  79. Terminator: the Rampage                      t_rampag arj   7630784
  80. The Superhero League of Hoboken              hoboken  arj   5770270
  81. Tiny Toons                                   tinytoon arj   2232288
  82. Transport Tycoon                             trtycoon arj   2479254
  83. Ultima 7  Part 1                             u7_i_2   arj   8190458
  84. Ultima Underworld  II                        uuw2     arj   6057281
  85. Unnatural Selection                          unnat    arj   8926867
  86. Virtuoso                                     virtuoso arj   8488044
  87. Warcraft : Orcs & Humans                     warcraft arj   5392184
  88. When two Worlds War                          w2ww     arj   1991398
  89. Wing Comander Armada                         wc_armad arj   7440377
  90. Zeppelin                                     zeppelin arj   3396035